Photo Autobiography

With Evelyn

This is a picture of me with my sister Evelyn from around Spring of 1964. She had a broken leg. It seemed like anything that could happen, did, to my sisters around that time. Me, I just got chicken pox, mumps, and ear infections. It got cold in Michigan, and I got sick.

Is that a munchkin?

Nothing like military housing. All the houses looked the same, and there were almost no trees in Michigan. It look like Kansas in the movies-- endless grassy fields, maybe some were corn. I don't know, I was just a little kid.

How about that nearly new station wagon in the driveway?

In general I hated the military. The houses were a slightly different shade than the uniforms that the men wore to work each day, and lined up like they were marching and just stopped there so people could live in them. Military planning can steal the soul out of anything.

One curiousity about the place--- the base had a Nike nuclear missile silo site there. You could watch them back flatbed trucks into the ground with casings on them to hide the missiles. Since then the Nike sites were deactivated, and the base was shut down.


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