Photo Autobiography

mountain top
mountain top view

It was cold as hell up there. The high for the day was 9° F, with a -22° F windchill. This is a picture of me near the peak of Squaw Mountain, 11,500 ft. (3.5 km).

The second picture is the view from the top of the mountain looking back towards Denver (east). The horizon is over 70 miles away. It's quite a vista.

Lowry AFB
LOwry dust storm

Botanical gardens

The next picture (third from top of page) is of Lowry AFB. It looks almost pristine, a slightly flat version of the Colorado Landscape. The base is just over a mile high at 5400 ft. (1.65 km).

The picture below that shows the true Lowry-- blowing sand, barren landscape, utilitarian buildings. The base sucked, but the area around it was great.

Lowry AFB was closed in the 1990's.

The last picture is inside the botanical gardens in Denver. They have full-size palm trees in the place. This picture shows the travelers tree.


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© 2000 Robert Bodnar