Hurricane Season of 1999.
Wind and Flooding from:


Hurricane Floyd


It wasn't as bad as Hurrcane Fran in 1996, but bad enough. Two other hurricanes earlier in the year, while not causing much damage, satuated the ground with heavy rain. Then came Hurricane Floyd. It didn't take a lot of wind to uproot trees from the soggy soil. At least the damage wasn't as bad as other storms in recent years. First we got the wind, then the flooding started. The storm had a minimal impact on me personally. I was out of work one day, my electricity only blinked during the storm, and the flooding didn't affect our neighborhood. The flooding did nearly make Smithfield an island. Almost every road, including some major highways, were flooded within a few miles of town. My regular route to work was under water for over a week.

Pages of Pictures.

There isn't a real story to tell about this storm, so I'll leave it mostly to the pictures.

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