September 5 & 6, 1996:


Hurricane Fran


Some people at work started leaving early. The wind was gusty outside. I could look out of the loading dock doors and see the rain falling, pine trees swaying across the parking lot. Cars began leaving replaced by rare, normally valuable empty spaces. But most people stayed at least to the end of the shift. Few worked overtime (for a change). We were preparing for the worst: the power might go out, limbs could fall in the yard, but not much more.

Babbling deejays, dire warnings.

The traffic wasn't as bad as I expected. Wet roads in Raleigh mean the worst traffic. It was raining and usually there would be accidents. Enough people went home early where it wasn't as I feared. I wanted to get home. The weather sucked.

All the way I listened to the radio reports. Once inside the beltline I was home basically. (I moved to Smithfield in 1997.) The traffic is always better once away from the suburban crowds.

The radio reports went mainly between serious-- possible winds of 40 miles per hour, up to 70, by midnight-- and stupid-- down in Wilmington they say Fran really blows. The storm was affecting Raleigh, 100 miles inland, with rain and a little wind. The storm center had just made landfall near Wilmington.

At home, preparing to be bored

Home at last. I was glad to get there. I wanted to see the latest info about the hurricane on TV. Cool animated radar images filled the screen behind weathermen spouting syllables of loopy nothingness. This was what the storm was about. Made some Ramen for supper, hung out for awhile, and the wind kept getting stronger. Each rain band was a little rougher than the last. (To see one of the best satellite images of Hurricane Fran click here.

I must explain that we lived in an attic apartment in a house converted into 4 small apartments. The upstairs had ceilings that hung within 2 feet of the floor in places. Our ceiling was connected directly to the roof. Just me and a housemate from Ohio who was scared to death under a roof that shook with each gust. The rent was, like most of Raleigh, sky high, but the attic was kind of cool, alternative, and artsy... and only $495 a month for a 2 bedroom place.
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